“May your dreams be larger than mountains and may you have the courage to scale their summits.” – Harley King
“May your dreams be larger than mountains and may you have the courage to scale their summits.” – Harley King
Friday 23rd July 2021
Friday’s quote:
“May your dreams be larger than mountains and may you have the courage to scale their summits.” – Harley King
Incense Man.
HEM incense order has arrived in the UK and is currently with Customs but I have no other information regarding delivery.
Pure Incense order arrived a few days ago and most of the items are now back in stock.
I’ve started to hear from market organisers and I hope to hold a stall at Pantiles market in Tunbridge Wells on Sunday 8th August. Will confirm by the next newsletter.
Web developers are working on making changes to the website. Aim to have this done by the beginning of September.
Question Time
Why use garden incense sticks?
With places opening up and life returning to a new normal, garden incense stick can be taken with you to festivals, on camping trips, or burn in your garden and pretend you're on holiday or at a festival! Burning incense can help keep insects away, not from the fragrance, but they generally try to avoid smoke, so they're perfect for dotting around you when sat outside. If you organizing a garden party, garden incense gives off a lovely inviting scent.
I remember in Bali, incense would be dotted around outside, in plants pot, hidden so you could not see the sticks but an amazing scent would follow your footsteps.
Try some of the following great scents:
HEM Diwali
HEM Feng Shui
HEM Meditation
HEM Amber
HEM Good Fortune
HEM Eucalyptus
HEM Vanilla
HEM Night Queen
HEM Cannabis
What’s in stock, what is new and what we need to wait for…..
New to the website:
Temple of Incense – Indian Rose
Has your favourite incense made the ‘back in stock soon’ list:
HEM incense - all items currently out of stock on the website
HEM White Sage Garden Incense Sticks
HEM Citronella Garden Incense Sticks
HEM Patchouli Garden Incense Sticks
Padmini Spiritual Guide
Padmini Lyrics
Satya Sandalwood Backflow Cone
Satya Rose Backflow Cone
Out of stock:
Nitiraj – waiting for our supplier to confirm when this will now become available
Om Nag Champa - waiting for our supplier to confirm when this will now become available
Padmini Gulistan – need to find a new supplier
Cat Brand Metro Milan incense sticks – need to find a new supplier
Morning Star Japanese Incense gift set – If you like Morning Star then visit our sister site Vectis Karma for a full range of Japanese Incense.
Let’s take a look at some important dates in the coming fortnight
Monday 26th July - Cuban National Revolution Days. Cuba observes three days of public holiday from July 25th - 27th.
The July 25th and July 27th holiday are known as 'Commemoration of the Assault on Moncada' (Spanish: Conmemoración del Asalto a Moncada), while the July 26th holiday is known as 'National Rebellion Day' (Spanish: Día de la Rebeldía Nacional).
These holidays commemorate the events of 1953 when Fidel Castro stormed the Moncada army garrison in Santiago de Cuba.
Wednesday 28th July - St. Olav's Eve - (Ólavsøkuaftan) is part of a two-day celebration that begins in the evening of July 28th.
Olaf II Haraldsson (Ólavur Halgi in Faroese) was King of Norway from 1015 to 1028. Olaf died on July 29th 1030 in the battle at Stiklastað in Norway. There are many sagas about miracles performed by Olav and within a year of his death, he had been canonised as a saint.
Shortly after, Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim was built over his burial site. His sainthood brought many pilgrims to the Cathedral and encouraged the widespread adoption of the Christian religion across Norway, which the Faroe Islands were part of during the middle ages.
St. Olav became the patron saint of Norway and his feast day was a major festival in Norway up until the reformation. Though the anniversary of his death is still marked in Norway by religious services, it is in the Faroe Islands where the celebrations remain a popular summer festival.
Monday 2nd August – Ireland Bank Holiday - Known in Gaelic as 'Lá Saoire i mí Lúnasa', this bank holiday on the first Monday in August dates back to the United Kingdom Bank Holidays Act of 1871 which established the first Bank holidays in Ireland. The Republic of Ireland observes several of its public holidays on a Monday-ised basis and the May and June holidays can be traced back to earlier holidays.
There is no particular feast day that the August holiday replaces, though it is said that the day was picked by the originator of the act, Sir John Lubbock as he was a keen fan of Cricket and this day fell on an important day in the Cricket calendar.
In the UK, only Scotland still observes the August Bank Holiday at the start of the month. England, Wales and Northern Ireland moved the holiday to the last Monday in August following a trial period in 1965.
Wednesday 4th August -Founders' Day. This statutory public holiday is celebrated on August 4th. If August 4th falls on a weekend, the following Monday will be observed as a holiday.
Prior to the passing of the Public Holiday Amendment Bill into law in March 2019, the holiday on September 21st was known as Founders' Day. In 1874, Britain took control over parts of Ghana, naming them the British Gold Coast.
Britain was weakened by the efforts of World War II and following a rising desire for independence, Ghana was the first sub-Saharan African country to achieve independence, on March 6th 1957.
August 4th has been chosen as the date for Founders' Day as it marks two important events in Ghana's history. It is the date for the formation of the Aborigines’ Rights Protection Society by John Mensah Sarbah in 1897, and the formation of the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC) in 1947 by J.B. Danquah and George Alfred "Paa" Grant.
In a message to the nation to mark the inaugural Founders' Day on Sunday August 4th 2019, President Nana Akufo-Addo said: "We acknowledge the role played by successive generations of Ghanaians towards the liberation of our country from colonization and imperialism.”
Akufo-Addo added, “it is time we rose above partisan considerations, set the record straight, recognise the collective efforts in gaining our freedom and independence from colonial rule and do right by our history.”
Top sellers:
Satya Sai Baba Nag Champa incense sticks
Mothers India Amrita incense sticks
Satya White Sage incense sticks
Vijayshree Golden Nag Patchouli incense sticks
Laughing Buddhha Frankincense